I am a self-employed Artist/ Designer I am a Mother of three and Grandmother of 3. ​I love art and designing. I think I would design all day if I didn't ​have a house and family to care for. My Art and Country and Primitive Graphics are hand drawn or mouse drawn by me and are the copyright of Mousefx Art. For those curious about my support gifts offered here, I had an un-ruptured aneurysm clipped in 2001. I continue to be of support to others. If you enjoy my work, I would appreciate your help in spreading the word about my designs. I have eight online stores through professional print on demand companies with a large variety of items and I hope you might visit them all. For easy access to all my stores, visit..... http://www.mousefxart.com .....
See ya around the web!
Sandi - AKA- Mouse